Wednesday, May 14, 2008

7 weeks had passed...

Yesterday was the 49th day Bee Hooi left us. Time really flies, and although 7 weeks had passed, I still find it hard to believe that Bee Hooi is no longer with us. Everytime I look back at her picture, she seems so alive. I can still "hear" her voice and her cheerful laughters.

I can still recall that morning ~ 25 March 2008 around 8 am, when Goay called me, breaking the cruel heartbreaking news. I was in total shock, totally lost for words and felt like the world was turning upside down. Deep inside my heart, I prayed and I hoped that it was just a lie and not true...

I had lost count of how many times i broke into tears especially the first two weeks. I'm a person who seldom shed tears and I haven't cry so much for ages except when my father passed away 8 years ago. On a side note, I can still remember the scene of Bee Hooi consoling me inside the changing room that morning in May 2003, when I received the bad news that my dad was critically ill in Sarawak and I was so far away here in Penang. I really appreciate Bee Hooi's kind act very much although I never tell her how much that meant to me at that moment.

Although I might look happy from external apperance, but deep inside my heart, the pain and sorrow is still there. I'm still thinking of Bee Hooi most of the time. Bee Hooi, I miss you...

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